Bus and Kiss and Ride information
Kiss and Ride
Kiss and Ride Lane Procedures
8:20-8:45 a.m. and 3:20-3:40 p.m.
- Discharge/ load children only in the “kiss and ride” area of the parking lot. See diagram below. For your child’s safety, please do not discharge or pickup your child on the street. Crossing the street is legal at crosswalks only.
- Pull your car as far forward as possible, following staff directions.
- Please remain in your car while in the kiss and ride area.
- Children should be ready to leave/ enter as quickly as possible, using the vehicle door(s) closest to the sidewalk.
- Please turn right when exiting the “Kiss and Ride” area, to avoid interaction with buses and cars turning left into the parking lot.

Students walking to/from school from the direction of Stone Heather Drive should use the sidewalk around the back of the parking lot. For their safety, students should not walk across the parking lot entrance/exit. If you walk with your children to school, please drop them off under the outside awnings. School staff will greet students in the lobby and make sure they get to class.
- May be ridden with parent/guardian permission.
- Bicycle helmets must be worn and safety traffic regulations followed.
- The school is not responsible for the bicycle while on school property.
- Do not leave bicycles at school overnight.
- Bicycles can only be stored in the designated bicycle stands on each side of the building and must be secured by a lock provided by the student.
- Roller blades, “heelies,” and student operated motorized conveyances, such as scooters, are not permitted.
Students must follow directions and behave in a safe and orderly manner. Bus riding privileges may be suspended if the principal determines a student’s behavior to be dangerous.
Bus Loop
The Bus Loop is for buses only; NOT to be used by cars dropping off students. Do NOT park in the bus loop during arrival and dismissal times (8:15 a.m.-9:30 a.m. and 3:15 p.m.-4:00 p.m.)
Changes in Transportation
If a change from the routine is required, please notify the teacher in writing/email no later than the morning of the change. If an unexpected change occurs during the school day, please call the office no later than 3:00. Teachers can not always check email during the school day.
Play Dates
Should be arranged after your child has arrived at home, by having both children walk or by having a parent pick up at the school. Buses cannot carry extra students except for childcare reasons.
Please use the school parking lot, the pool parking lot across the street, or street parking. Please be courteous and DO NOT BLOCK NEIGHBORS’ DRIVEWAYS OR MAILBOXES.
Safety Patrols
Patrols are assigned to positions on buses, in the school, and at crossings and bus stops. Their responsibility is to help maintain the safety of all students.
- All students are expected to obey patrol instructions.
- Patrols will report any inappropriate student behavior to the patrol sponsor.